Sunday, 6 September 2009

Speak Right Read Right - Our theory.

Phonics is one part of English that is difficult to review well. It is important for students to get in the habit of looking at the sounds and putting them together in order to read, rather than seeing only the first letters of words.

It is important for students to start at the right place. Interactile’s phonics program is designed to practice speaking and reading. So that should be the focus of your phonics class, rather than having students write many pages of letter combinations.

Words are full of patterns. Once these patterns are fixed in our brain, we can read fast, accurately and fluently with very little strain or effort.
The brain is so amazing and we still do not understand a lot about it. Patterns can be remembered easily with good quality review.

At the same time the patterns and the speed at which we go through them and the amount of words we can cover, engraves paths in our brains and coaches our tongues which makes right speaking and right reading possible.

For Teachers.
1. Start by teaching the five vowels. Teach only the short sounds. They are the only sounds that can truly be pronounced in isolation. ‘a’ as in ant ‘e’ as in egg ‘i' as in it ‘o’ as in on, ‘u’ as in up.
首先從五個母音開始教學,先只用短(單)音節的發音來教,這些音是真正可以獨立發出音的,例如:‘a’之於ant;‘e’ 之於egg;‘i'之於it;‘o’ 之於on ‘u’ 之於up 。

2. Next just use ‘n’ at the back of each vowel, so don’t teach ‘n’ in isolation teach an en in on un
接著利用子音‘n’跟隨於每一個母音後來練發音,所以不能單獨教子音‘n’的發音,要直接發出an, en, in, on ,un,一起的音。

3. Now they are ready to work with a vowel wheel. Don’t let them pronounce the consonants in isolation as English consonant sounds are not ever used in isolation. Learn the appropriate ones with ‘a’ on the vowel wheel.

4. When they are familiar with one vowel wheel, move on to the next one and the next until they are comfortable with all the ending sounds.

5. At this point they are ready to move on to level one. Speak Right Read Right uses only real words from here on so the students will always be learning in a useable context.
下一重點就是開始利用第一個程度的卡片了,Speak Right Read Right教材在卡片上的單字都是真實可用的單字,因此學生會在一個上下文有關聯性的文章中學習。

6. From this point on the program almost teaches for you. Just remember to regularly go back to review from the first card until all the students have the patterns well set in their brains for life!!

7. Make sure your class is capable of reading the words on the front of the card individually before giving them the challenge of reading the sentence on the back.

8. The build-up review sentences on the back will make it very easy for you to review previously taught phonetic sounds. These sentences will give instant confidence as students can see their progress. Be sure to go back to these on a regular basis for review.

9. You will see that the color of the wheels correspond to the color of the related cards. So you can review the yellow wheel before teaching the yellow cards, and so on.

10. The pictures help students to understand the sentences and feel successful at reading. The buildup stories ensure true reading and not just memorizing of pictures.

11. Also remember the little pictures for silent letters, differently pronounced words, and words to be careful for because they are spelt differently.

12. Speaking and Reading has never been so fast so easy!

1 comment:

BESTTIME said...

I purchased kit-1 and kit-2 but I cannot find Kit-3 could you please direct me where can I purchase? I asked Caves their dont have it?