Wednesday 21 October 2009

First Questions - Question Snap!

Here's a new handout to use alongside your First Questions program. Great fun!

The Spelling Hive - Book One!

The Spelling Hive is out! Not quite in bookstores just yet but should be soon. If anybody needs a copy, please let us know and we will make it happen!

The Spelling Hive is a six level program aimed at young learners aged 6 to 13. It equips students with a solid foundation for spelling and covers all the basic words they need to use for a strong start in writing and composition. It is the ideal preparation for young learner's proficiency tests.

The program follows a carefully thought out review system that ensures maximum retention of words covered by constantly re-testing previously memorized words, encouraging students to regularly self-review. Words build up into fun sentences to give context and meaning to the words taught. It is easy and fun to use.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Eslite Bookstores - Humanity, art, creativity and life.

Hey team!

Great news this week. Interactile is extremely proud to be working alongside Eslite Bookstores. As of this week, our full range of products will be available in nine of their stores nationwide. The list of stores where you can find our stuff is below.

Taipei Shin Yi 台北信義
Dun Hua 台北敦化
Tai Da 台北台大
Hsinchu SOGO 新竹 SOGO
Tainan Store 台南總店
Kaohshiung Shin Shi Chi 高雄新世紀
Kaohshiung Dream Mall 高雄夢時代
Taichung Yuen Daol 台中圓道
Chong Li Da Chiang 中壢大江

Eslite is the most well-known bookstore chain in Taiwan. They have been in operation since 1989 and now have 48 stores nationwide. And that includes Dun Hua which is now a 24 hour bookstore. Xinyi Store, their flagship store, now has 8000 square meters of floor space! That's the largest bookstore in Taiwan. Here's their website below:

Saturday 3 October 2009

First Idioms - Animals

We have another free worksheet available for you too. We haven't done many worksheets to accompany First Idioms so today we begin to rectify that. This worksheet can be used after you finish teaching the intermediate level idioms. The theme is animals and this is a fun way to review all the animal related idioms taught in the beginner and advanced levels. It can also be used as a test. Here's the link below: