Wednesday 12 May 2010

Taichung Workshop 2010

Hey folks,

For any of you that are living in the Taichung area, I hope you have time on May 31st to come and see a seminar presented by Hooyi Bookstore. Interactile Learning and Anglia will be there too. Hope to see you then!

Monday 10 May 2010

First Idioms - Prepositions of Place intermediate worksheet.

It's freebie time kids! Attached is a worksheet to be used with our First Idioms kit. This will work out best if you use it after finishing the intermediate level with your students. All the spaces need to be filled in with an idiom that uses a preposition of place (in, on, under, through).

This could also be used as a fun test. Pierre has spoken before about open book tests and this is a perfect time to try that. Tell your students that they should try to fill in all the blanks with idioms and if they get stuck, they are allowed to open their First Idiom boxes to finish them.

Good luck!