We hope to have two new products on the market before the beginning of the new semester.
The first one is the first in a series of three composition books entitled Composition Construction. This series of books will make writing compositions a very step by step process that will take a lot of the pain and difficulty your students face out of it. We also wanted to redefine what a composition is. Too often we ask our students to write compositions about their ‘favorite holiday’, ‘Why is it important to learn English’, and ‘Your daily schedule’. These topics have been covered so often we tried hard to come up with some completely different and really interesting ones. And who says that composition should be a formal written exercise handed in to a teacher? Why can’t a composition be a refrigerator note to your mom, or a CD review, or even a secret diary entry? All these topics, and more, will be found in this new series.
We’re also publishing a new vocabulary review notebook. This notebook will make it very easy for your students to review the previously taught words and get ready for their spelling tests or just to increase their vocab power.
As soon as both of these products are available, we’ll let you all know!